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Business Principles
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We believe that empowered and responsible employees who display sound judgment and awareness of their corporate and social responsibilities are fundamental to the company’s success.

The purpose of these Business Principles is to establish the framework within which EXETI will carry out its business.

They will guide the way we behave and determine our relationship with all stakeholders, in particular: 


       Business Partners 



       National and local governments 

       Communities where we operate 

       Society in general 

Adherence to these Business Principles is mandatory for every person and organisation that carries out work on behalf of EXETI.

1. Integrity 

We shall carry out our activities in an open, fair and honest manner. All officers, contractors and employees of EXETI must avoid conflicts of interest with their responsibilities. Any such conflict, actual or potential, will be declared immediately it arises to enable appropriate action to be taken.

2. Contractor and employee relations 

EXETI shall treat contractors, future and potential employees fairly, equally and lawfully, adhering to all relevant employment legislation and actively encouraging diversity in our workforce.

We shall create an inclusive work environment where every contractor and employee have an equal opportunity to develop his or her skills and talents, and provide employees with appropriate training and development opportunities.

3. Health and safety 

EXETI shall take a robust and systematic approach to health and safety management in order to achieve sustainable performance improvement.

We shall seek to ensure that all organisations working with EXETI have procedures and processes in place that are consistent with this business principle.

4. Environment 

We shall fully comply with all relevant environmental legislation, and also seek ways to reduce the environmental impact of our operations, with particular emphasis on energy efficiency and sustainable transport.

5. Governance 

We shall establish processes that identify, assess and manage risks to EXETI.

All EXETI business transactions will be reflected accurately and fairly in the accounts, in accordance with established procedures, and will be subject to audit and disclosure.

6. Asset protection and confidentiality 

We shall protect vigorously both our physical and intellectual assets. We shall respect the strict need for confidentiality when dealing with the intellectual property assets of other organisations with whom we conduct business.

7. Compliance with laws, regulations and local customs 

We shall respect all applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate and shall seek to operate within the framework of applicable competition laws including any EC rules and regulations relating to State Aid.

We shall act in a socially responsible manner and respect local customs and traditions.

8. Bribery and corruption 

We expressly forbid the direct or indirect offer, payment, solicitation or acceptance of bribes or any form of payments which seek to create an unfair advantage or exert undue influence over an individual or organisation.

Gifts and hospitality in excess of £30 will be declared.

9. Political activities 

We shall not align with any political organisations and shall not make donations to any political parties or their representatives. We shall not campaign on any issues but shall provide relevant information on our activities where it may serve to inform policy making and the public debate.

10. Stakeholder relations 

EXETI recognises that regular dialogue and engagement with all stakeholders is essential.

We shall treat stakeholders and potential stakeholders fairly, equally and lawfully, adhering to all relevant legislation and actively encouraging diversity.

We shall aim to be good neighbours by improving the ways in which we contribute to the general wellbeing of the communities in which we work.

12. Modern slavery

EXETI, because of its turnover, it is not required to publish a slavery and human trafficking statement on an annual basis (as required under the Modern Slavery Act 2015). However, EXETI is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all of its business dealings and will not tolerate modern slavery in its business or supply chains.

13. Quality

EXETI shall take a robust and systematic approach to quality management in order to ensure that outputs and benefits delivered meet stakeholder requirements and are fit for purpose.

14. Putting our Business Principles into practice  

EXETI’s Directors commit to adhere to these Business Principles. Further, EXETI shall seek to ensure that that individuals or organisations that work with EXETI also reach or exceed these principles.

Geraint Evans, Andrew Green, Mark Illingworth, Jonathan Wills, Paul Winstanley

EXETI Directors, 10-Nov-2020


© EXETI 2021

EXETI limited (13008669) Registered address Military House, 24 Castle Street, Chester, Cheshire, United Kingdom, CH1 2DS